Who We Are

Our Mission

Mobile Baykeeper exists to defend and revive the health of the waters of Coastal Alabama.

Our Vision

Mobile Baykeeper works towards real and measurable improvement in the health of the waters of Coastal Alabama.

We’ll know we are successful when no one has to question whether the fish are safe to eat or the water is safe to swim in, when our seagrasses and oyster reefs recover, and our coastal communities take responsibility for the health of the water.

Our Story

For thousands of years, people have enjoyed living in the masterpiece that is Coastal Alabama. As cultures changed and demand for resources increased, people lost their connection to our ecosystem and the life once supported.

In 1997, a group of local citizens came together in an attempt to stop increased pollution in Mobile Bay. These citizens understood that healthy waterways were vital to a healthy life. Chemical companies had been migrating to the area for some time, due largely to port accessibility and minimal environmental regulations. These citizens had decided enough was enough, and Mobile Baykeeper was formed.

What is so special about the waters of Coastal Alabama? The Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, a 40-mile-long braid of rivers and bayous, unfolds over a vast expanse of cypress swamps, bottomland forests, marshes, and bogs. Below the Delta, a labyrinth of dense marshes and brackish rivers feed into Mobile Bay, making it a critical nursery for marine life. One of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world, the waterways are the source of life for our communities. We depend on the water to drink, play, fish, and swim in.

Unfortunately, the watershed continues to be degraded due to many sources of pollution and ineffective restoration efforts.

We aspire for our children and grandchildren to enjoy the waters of coastal Alabama, and to inherit something better than we had. However, few seem to have the discipline and courage to make this vision a reality.

Our Team



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Defend the waters of coastal alabama from pollution
