Take Action To Protect 86 Acres of Wetlands In The Dog River Watershed

What’s Happening? A developer wants to fill 86.9 acres of wetlands next to Rabbit Creek in the Dog River Watershed. This would be devastating for Rabbit Creek, and the Dog River watershed as a whole. This wetland swath is one of the largest intact wetlands remaining in the Dog River watershed and is important to the health of the watershed. You can help protect it.

Why Does It Matter? Dog River’s wetlands protect our waterways and oysters by stopping stormwater runoff, trapping sediment, and filtering pollution. This makes our water safer to swim in and improves overall quality.

What Can You Do? Help us protect the health of our waters by using the action alert we’ve created.

Protect our waterways, oysters, and the health of our watershed. See comments submitted by Mobile Baykeeper here.

“The overall health of the greater Dog River Watershed depends upon the existence of its wetlands”

— Dog River Watershed Management Plan

More Information:

The Dog River Watershed Management Plan lists these wetlands as critical for preservation and one of the largest remaining contiguous bottomland hardwood wetland areas in the Dog River Watershed. The plan states, “The greatest loss of historic wetland habitats in the Watershed has occurred as a result of draining and/or filling of wetlands for development.” It goes on to say “there are only a handful of large wetland tracts that remain within the Watershed and, therefore, there is an increased emphasis placed on their longterm protection.


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